Python ECO

Rs. 270.00

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Description :

1.Python - Overview
Pythonic Code Style
What is Python?
Python Basic Syntax
Where is Python used?
Why learn Python?
Python Function
Python File I/O

2.Python Variables
Identifier Naming
Variable Names
Multiple Assignment

3.Python Data Types
Standard data types
Sequence Type

4.Python Keywords
Introducing Python Keywords

5.Python - Operators
Types of Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Comparison (Relational) Operators
Assignment Operators
Logical Operators

6.Control Statements
If-else statements

7.Break statement
break statement with for loop

8.Python Set
Creating a set



Assignment 1: Building a Simple Calculator

Assignment 2: Creating a To-Do List Application

Assignment 3: Building a Guessing Game

Assignment 4: Implementing a Basic Weather Forecasting Application

Assignment 5: Creating a Basic Contact Management System

Assignment 6: Building a Basic Contact Management System

Assignment 7: Building a Simple Student Grade Tracker

Assignment 8: Building a Basic Task Manager

Assignment 9: Implementing a Basic Chatbot

Assignment 10: Building a Simple Calculator with GUI (Graphical User Interface)

Assignment 11: Building a Task Scheduler with GUI

Assignment 12: Building a Basic Expense Tracker with GUI

Assignment 13: Implementing a Basic Weather Forecasting Application with GUI

Assignment 14: Building a Basic To-Do List Application with GUI

Assignment 15: Developing a Basic Quiz Application with GUI

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