Digital Marketing Volume (1 To 3)

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Content :-

Volume 1 :-

1 . Internet Marketing_Student Manual

Session One: Course Overview

Session Two: What is Internet Marketing?

What it Looks Like

Popular Strategies

Session Three: Creating an Internet Marketing Plan

Leveraging What You Already Have

Making Our Way through the Marketing Process

Session Four: Extending Your Influence

Sharing Messages

Making Connections

Making it Real

Session Five: E-mail Marketing

You Can Do It!

Getting Your Message Out

Session Six: Search Engine Optimization (SEO

What is SEO

Understanding Search

The Search Engines

Alternative Search

Optimizing Keywords


Monitoring Search Engine Ranking

Session Seven: Advertising Online

What is Advertising?

What Service Should I Use?

Making Commitments

Personal Action Plan

Recommended Reading List

Course Evaluation

2 . Social Media_Student Manual

Session One: Course Overview

Session Two: Getting Started

What is Social Media

Pre-Assignment Review

Session Three: Understanding the Marketing Mix

The Five P’s and Social Media

Exercise Your Muscle

Session Four: Developing a Social Media Plan

Things to Think About

Utilization Guidelines

Expanding Your Digital Presence

What’s the Value

Session Five: Building Your Social Media Team

Building the Team

The Community

Session Six: Using Social Media to Build Internal Communities

Does it Mean Everyone is Online All the Time?

Make it Work

Session Seven: Analyzing Your Impact with Metrics

Useful Metrics

Understanding Metrics

Timing is Everything

Session Eight: Keeping on Top of the Trends

Session Nine: Damage Control

That’s Not Good

Get Smart

Session Ten: Using Facebook

Getting Started

Building Your Community

Taking it Further

Session Eleven: Using LinkedIn

LinkedIn Essentials

Setting Up Your Account

Getting Connected

Session Twelve: Using Twitter


Making it Memorable

Using Lists

Session Thirteen: Building a Blog

Should I Be Blogging

Blog Rules

Help People Find You

What Will I Write About

Planning Your Blog

Vlogs and YouTube

Session Fourteen: Using Specialty Sites

Session Fifteen: Using Social Media Management Tools

Session Sixteen: Launching Your Plan

Pulling Everything Together

Preparing for Delivery or Upgrade

Personal Action Plan

Recommended Reading List

Course Evaluation


Volume 2 :-

1 . Writing for the Web_Student Manual

Session One: Course Overview

Course Overview

Learning Objectives

Session Two: Getting to Know the Web

Web Writing Is Not The Same

Working with a Designer

It’s Work to Influence Others


Session Three: Creating Your Content

Writing Eye-Catching Headlines

Tips for Creating Great Headlines

Writing Content

Presenting Your Message

Writing Goals

Making Connections

Don’t Forget to Proofread and Edit

Session Four: Writing For Different Mediums

Writing for Social Media

Tips for Various Platforms

Session Five: Testing the Waters

Walk the Talk


Session Six: Deciding What’s Fit to Print

What’s Getting Read?

Give Them What They Need

Test Your Usability

Consider Eye Tracking

Break Up Content

Reviewing and Planning

Session Seven: Adding Audio and Video to Your Content

The Debate

Pros and Cons

Session Eight: Getting Your Content Noticed

Standing out in Crowds

Search Engine Optimization

How It Works

Optimizing Keywords

Keywords, Search Terms, and Tags

Tips and Tricks

Balancing SEO and Word Stuffing

Sharing your Content

Personal Action Plan

Recommended Reading List

Course Evaluation


2 . AdWords_Student Manual


Session One: Course Overview

Session Two: Understanding AdWords Lingo

First Up, SEO

Pre-Assignment Review

AdWords Defined

How PPC Works

Session Three: Creating an AdWords Strategy


Choosing Keywords

Getting Good with Keywords

Long Tail and Short Tail

Understanding Ad Groups

Session Four: Creating a PPC Campaign

Setting Your PPC Budget

The Quality Score

Session Five: Designing Your Ads

Choosing Your Language

Persuasive Techniques

Keeping Your Eyes Open

Structuring your Ad

Session Six: Looking at Success

Understanding Key Metrics

Higher Clickthrough Rates (CTR) Help

Setting Up Split Tests

Using Google’s Display Network (GDN)

When to Ask for Help

To Be Continued

Personal Action Plan

Recommended Reading List

Course Evaluation


3 . Building a Brand_Student Manual


Session One: Course Overview

Session Two: Defining the Terms

What is Branding

What is Social Media

Session Three: Building Your Social Media Branding Strategy

Key Ingredients for Your Branding Strategy

Pre-Assignment Review

Session Four: Identifying Your Social Media Audience

Session Five: The Key Social Media Platforms

Choosing the Right Platform for Your Brand

Making Connections

Looking at the Options

Session Six: Creating Brand-Focused Messages

What’s In a Message?

Making Connections

Dealing with Negative Feedback

Session Seven: Building Customer Trust

Making Connections

Session Eight: Developing a Communication Strategy

Developing Social Media Guidelines for Your Brand

Making Connections

Letting Others Speak For You

Session Nine: Reviewing and Revising

Personal Action Plan

Recommended Reading List

Course Evaluation

Volume 3  : -

1. E-Mail Marketing_Student Manual

Session One: Course Overview

Session Two: Getting to Know E-mail Marketing

What is E-Mail Marketing

Glossary of Terms

History of E-Mail Marketing

Getting It Right

Session Three: Setting Up Your Audience

Gathering Contacts

Rules and Regulations

Staying Organized

Session Four: The Tools

Setting Up A Plan

Choosing an E-Mail Marketing Provider

Get Practical

Session Five: Designing Your Campaign Strategy

Looking at Your Campaign Strategy

What’s Your Campaign Strategy?

Going Beyond the Basics

Session Six: Crafting Messages for Each Campaign

Pre-Assignment Review

Crafting Your Message

The Message IS The Message

Designing an Eye-Catching E-Mail

Choosing the Right Design

Making Connections

Make This Easy

Session Seven: Good Habits Get Optimal Results

Be a Good E-Mailer

Smart Rules Apply


Designing Content That Has Value

Developing Different Types of Content

Session Eight: What to Write

Give People What They Want

Be Green…Evergreen That Is!

Topic Generator

Let’s Get to Work

Session Nine: Subject Lines and Action Calls

Great Subject Lines

Action Items

Use Strategy with Your Call to Action

Session Ten: If It Doesn’t Get Measured, It Can’t Be Counted

Key Metrics

Revenue Per E-Mail Sent

Timing Your E-Mail Message

Test Before You Send

Session Eleven: Test Driving

Making Connections

Writing Your Initial Welcome E-Mail

Personal Action Plan

Recommended Reading List

Course Evaluation


2 . Creating Winning Webinars_Student Manual


Session One: Course Overview

Session Two: Webinars Defined


What is a webinar?

Pre-Assignment Review

Why use webinars

Session Three: Best Practices

What not to do

Session Four: Choosing the Structure

Session Five: Creating the Outline

Webinar Creation Formula

Webinars for Education and Collaboration with Staff or Colleagues

Session Six: Choosing the Platform

Personal Action Plan

Recommended Reading List

Course Evaluation


3 . Growth Hacking_Student Manual


Session One: Course Overview

Course Overview

Learning Objectives

Session Two: Learning the Mindset

Growth Hacking Defined

Mantras of a Growth Hacker

A Growth Recipe Activity

Session Three: Framing the Need

The Relationship

Understanding Your Customers

Who, What, How Activity

Product Market Fit (PMF)

What Do You Know Activity

Understanding Your Company

Inviting and Using Feedback Activity

Session Four: Making the Match

Making the Match in Growth Hacking

Relationships Reviewed

Get the FAQs Activity

Building an Effective Audience

An Enduring Outlook Activity

Elements of Negotiation

Social and Emotional Intelligence

Positive Outcome Activity

Unique Selling Proposition (USP

Your USP Activity

Session Five: Going Live

Process Steps

Workplan Development Activity

Reaching Customers

Making it Look Good Activity

Getting Noticed Activity

Creating a Project Plan

Creating a Plan for Success Activity

Your Growth Hacking Outline

Session Six: Maximizing Results

The Path to Growth Hacking Success

Defining Success

Learning to Experiment

A Trial Activity

Session Seven: Optimizing and Moving Forward


Ingredients for Optimization

Examining your Ingredients

Task Check Activity

Resources and Inspiration

Searching for More Information Activity

Personal Action Plan

Recommended Reading List

Course Evaluation

General Information

General Evaluation

Final Thoughts


4 .Promoting a Marketing Webinar_Student Manual


Table of Contents

Session One: Course Overview

Learning Objectives

Session Two: The Webinar

What is a Webinar? Why Use Webinars?

Pre-Assignment Review

Your Webinar Marketing Objectives

Marketing Webinars

Session Three: The Participant

Determine a Participant Profile

The Nine-Step Ideal Participant Profile Process

Ideal Participant Profile Activity

Where Does Your Participant Hang Out

Session Four: Lead Magnets

What is a Lead Magnet?

Creating a Lead Magnet

Lead Magnet Outline Activity

Session Five: Promotion Strategy

What is Your Promotion Strategy?

Promo Time Activity

Webinar Marketing Calendar

Building Your Calendar

Session Six: Joint Ventures

Successful Joint Ventures

Joint Venture Activity

Joint Venture Proposal

Session Seven: Landing Pages

Creating a Landing Page

Long Version Landing Page

Short Version Landing Page

Thank-you Email and Registration Confirmation

Your Turn

Session Eight: Re-Evaluating

Re-Evaluating First Impressions

Personal Action Plan

Course Evaluation

General Information

General Evaluation

Final Thoughts


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