PHP Eco Book

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Common uses of PHP
Characteristics of PHP
Using PDO
Connecting to the Database
Connection Strings 
Error Handling 
PHP Setup

2.PHP Data Object
Introduction to PHP PDO
Advantage of PDO
PDO Classes
Installation Process

3.PHP Data Types
Scalar Types
Compound Types
Special Types

The Anatomy of a Cookie
Setting Cookies with PHP
Accessing Cookies with PHP

Starting a PHP Session
Destroying a PHP Session
Sessions without cookies

6.Operator Types
Arithmetic Operators
Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
Assignment Operators
Conditional Operator
Precedence of PHP Operators

7.Loop Types
The for loop statement
The while loop statement
The do...while loop statement
The foreach loop statement
The break statement
The continue statement

8.Files & I/O
Opening and Closing Files
Reading a file
Writing a file

9.Exception Handling in PHP
Using die() function
Error Handling Function
Exceptions Handling
Types of Errors

10.Control Statement
If Else
If-else-if Statement
nested if Statement

11.PHP Functions
PHP User-defined Functions
PHP Function Arguments
PHP Call By Reference
PHP Parameterized Function
PHP Call By Value

12.PHP Arrays
Advantage of PHP Array
Indexed Array
Associative Array
Multidimensional Array

13.PHP String
Single Quoted
Double Quoted
PHP String Functions

14.PHP File Upload
PHP Download File

15.PHP Mail
PHP mail() function

16.PHP MySQL Connect
PHP mysqli_connect()

17.PHP - Web Concepts
Identifying Browser & Platform
Display Images Randomly
Browser Redirection

What is AJAX ?

19.Object Oriented Programming in PHP
Object Oriented Concepts
Defining PHP Classes
Constructor Functions
Function Overriding
Abstract Classes

20.PHP - Form
What is the Form?
What is Validation ?

21.PHP - Frame Works
Some of frame works
Framework - Solving Mathematical problem

22.Design Patterns
Strategy pattern

23.PHP MySQL Login System

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