Python Programming

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1.       Introduction Of Python

·         What is Python and why learn it?

·         Why to Learn Python?

·         Characteristics of Python

·         Hello World using Python.

·         Applications of Python

·         History of Python

·         Local Environment Setup

·         Installation

·         Basic Operators

·         First Python Program

·         Python Identifiers

2.       Basic Syntax in Python

·         Lines and Indentation

·         Multi-Line Statements

·         Quotation in Python

·         Using Blank Lines

·         Assigning Values to Variables

·         Multiple Assignment

·         Standard Data Types

·         Python Strings

·         Python Lists

·         Python Tuples

·         Data Type Conversion

3.       Basic Operators in Python

·         Types of Operator

·         Python Arithmetic Operators

·         Python Comparison Operators

·         Assignment Operators

·         Bitwise Operators

·         Logical Operators

·         Membership Operators

·         Identity Operators

·         Operators Precedence

4.       Decision Making

·         Single Statement Suites

5.       Sequences

·         What are sequences?

·         Splitting sequences

·         Negative indexing

·         Working with strings

·         String formatting

6.        Collections

·         Sets

·         Dictionaries

·         Working with Sets

·         Working with Dictionaries

7.        Conditionals

·         If Statements

·         If-else Statements

·         Receiving user input

·         Elif Statements

·         Nested IF Statement

·         Inline if

8.        Loops

·         Loop Control Statements

·         Definition of For Loops in Python

·         What are loops?

·         Loop Type

·         Using else Statement with While Loop

·         Single Statement Suites

·         List Comprehensions

9.        Strings

·         Accessing Values in Strings

·         Updating Strings

·         String Special Operators

·         String Formatting Operator

·         Unicode String

·         Built-in String Methods

10.     Lists

·         Python Lists

·         Accessing Values in Lists

·         Updating Lists

·         Delete List Elements

·         Basic List Operations

·         Indexing, Slicing, and Matrixes

11.      Tuples

·         Accessing Values in Tuples

·         Updating Tuples

·         Delete Tuple Elements

·         Basic Tuples Operations

12.     Dictionary

·         Accessing Values in Dictionary

·         Updating Dictionary

·         Delete Dictionary Elements

·         Properties of Dictionary Keys

·         Built-in Dictionary Functions & Methods

13.  Date & Time in Python

·         What is Tick?

·         What is TimeTuple?

·         Getting current time

·         Getting formatted time

·         Getting calendar for a month

·         The time Module

·         The calendar Module

14.  Functions

·         Defining a Function

·         Calling a Function

·         Pass by reference vs value

·         Function Arguments

·         Keyword arguments

·         Default arguments

·         Variable-length arguments

·         The Anonymous Functions

·         The return Statement

·         Global vs. Local variables

15.     Modules

·         The import Statement

·         The from...import Statement

·         Locating Modules

16.  Files I/O

·         Printing to the Screen

·         Reading Keyboard Input

·         The input Function

·         Opening and Closing Files

·         Reading and Writing Files

·         Renaming and Deleting Files

·         Directories in Python

17.  Exceptions Handling

·         Assertions in Python

·         What is Exception?

·         Handling an exception

·         The try-finally Clause

·         Argument of an Exception

·         Raising an Exceptions

18.  Custom Functions

·         What are custom functions?

·         Defining and calling a function

·         Functions with multiple parameters

·         Functions with default parameters

19.    Classes

·         What are classes?

·         Defining a class

·         Inheritance

20.  Modules and Packages

·         What are modules?

·         What are packages?

·         Working with modules and packages

·         Installing external modules and packages

·         Code introspection

21.  File Handling

·         Opening a file with Python

·         Reading a text file

·         Creating a new text file

·         Deleting files and directories



Assignment 1: Building a Simple Calculator

Assignment 2: Creating a To-Do List Application

Assignment 3: Building a Guessing Game

Assignment 4: Implementing a Basic Weather Forecasting Application

Assignment 5: Creating a Basic Contact Management System

Assignment 6: Building a Basic Contact Management System

Assignment 7: Building a Simple Student Grade Tracker

Assignment 8: Building a Basic Task Manager

Assignment 9: Implementing a Basic Chatbot

Assignment 10: Building a Simple Calculator with GUI (Graphical User Interface)

Assignment 11: Building a Task Scheduler with GUI

Assignment 12: Building a Basic Expense Tracker with GUI

Assignment 13: Implementing a Basic Weather Forecasting Application with GUI

Assignment 14: Building a Basic To-Do List Application with GUI

Assignment 15: Developing a Basic Quiz Application with GUI

Assignment 16: Analyzing Student Grades

Assignment 17: Simple Task Scheduler

Assignment 18: Text Analyzer

Assignment 19: Currency Converter

Assignment 20: Weather Forecast


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