C++ Proramming Eco Book

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Description :


1.Introduction C++ Programming Language
Why to Learn C++
Hello World using C++
Applications of C++ Programming
Object-Oriented Programming

2.Download & Installation
Download Turbo C++ software

3.Basic   Syntax
C++ Program Structure
Compile & Execute C++ Program

4.Comments in c++

5.Data types
Basic type

6.Variable types
Variable type
Variable Declaration

7.Variable scope
Local Variables
Global Variables
Initializing Local and Global Variables

Integer Literals
Floating-point Literals
Boolean Literals
Character Literals

9.Modifier  types
Data type

10.Storage  Classes
auto Storage Class
register Storage Class
static storage class
extern Storage Class

Arithmetic Operators
Relational Operators
Logical Operators
Bitwise Operators
Assignment Operators
Misc Operators
Operators Precedence in C++

12.Loop types
while loop
for loop
do...while loop
nested loops

13.Decision- Making  Statements
if statement
if...else statement
switch statement
nested if statements
nested switch statements

Return Type
Function Name
Function Declarations
Calling a Function

Math Operations in C++

Declaring Arrays
Initializing Arrays
Accessing Array Elements
Multi-dimensional Arrays
Two-Dimensional Arrays
Pointer to an Array

The C-style character string
The string class type introduced with Standard C++.

 Pointers in C++
Null Pointers
Pointer Arithmetic
Incrementing a Pointer
 Decrementing a Pointer
Pointer Comparisons
Pointers vs Arrays
Passing Pointers to Functions


20.Web  Programming

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