JavaScript JS

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1.       Introduction to JavaScript

·         Introduction

·         What is JavaScript?

·         Features of JavaScript

·         History of JavaScript

·         Application of JavaScript

·         Why to Learn Javascript?

·         Applications of Javascript Programming

·         What is JavaScript ?

·         Client-Side JavaScript

·         Advantages of JavaScript

·         Limitations of JavaScript

·         JavaScript Development Tools

·         Where is JavaScript Today ?

·         JavaScript file

·         Advantages of External JavaScript

·         Disadvantages of External JavaScript

·         Syntax

2.       JavaScript Basics

·         JavaScript Comment

·         Advantages of JavaScript comments

·         Types of JavaScript Comments

·         JavaScript Variables

·         Javascript Data Types

·         JavaScript Operators

·         if...else Statement

·         Switch Case

·         Loops

·     JavaScript Functions

3.       JavaScript Objects

·         JavaScript Objects

·         Creating Objects in JavaScript

·         JavaScript Object Methods

4.       Arrays Object

·         Array Properties

·         Array Methods

5.       Strings

·         String Properties

·        String Methods

6.       JavaScript Math

·         JavaScript Math Methods

·         JavaScript Boolean

·         Regular Expressions and RegExp Object

·         RegExp exec Method

7.       Browser Object Model

·         Window Object

·         Navigator Object

·         Screen Object

8.       Document Object Model

·         Properties of document object

·         Methods of document object

·         innerHTML

·         innerText

9.       Validation

·         JavaScript Form Validation

10.  JavaScript OOPs

·         JavaScript Classes

·     JavaScript Objects

11.  JavaScript - Animation

·         Manual Animation

·       Automated Animation

12.  Multimedia

·         Controlling Multimedia

13.  Debugging

·         Error Messages in IE

·         Error Notifications

14.   Image Map

·         usemap

15.  Browsers Compatibility

·         Navigator Properties



Assignment 1: JavaScript Basics

Assignment 2: JavaScript Control Flow

Assignment 3: JavaScript Arrays and Loops

Assignment 4: JavaScript Objects and Functions

Assignment 5: JavaScript Events and Event Handling

Assignment 6: JavaScript Error Handling and Validation

Assignment 7: JavaScript Error Handling and Form Validation

Assignment 8: JavaScript Local Storage and CRUD Operations

Assignment 9: JavaScript ES6 Features: Arrow Functions and Template Literals

Assignment 10: JavaScript ES6 Modules

Assignment 11: JavaScript Promises and Async/Await

Assignment 12: JavaScript DOM Events and Event Delegation

Assignment 13: JavaScript Animation with CSS Transitions

Assignment 14: JavaScript Canvas Drawing

Assignment 15: JavaScript Event Handling and DOM Manipulation

Assignment 16: JavaScript Task - Creating a To-Do List Application

Assignment 17: JavaScript Task - Creating a Quiz Application

Assignment 18: JavaScript Task - Weather Forecast Application

Assignment 19: JavaScript Task - Expense Tracker

Assignment 20: JavaScript Task - Recipe Finder

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