Basic Computer ECO Mini Book Size A5

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Description :

1. Introduction to Computer
What is Computer?
basic parts
Computer and Latest IT gadgets
Input Devices
Output Devices
Basics of Hardware and Software

2. Operating  System  GUI  Based
Types of Operating System (GUI based)
Need for Operating System
Functions of Operating System
Types of RTOS
Difference Between Hard and Soft Real-Time Systems
Difference Between Firm and Soft Real-Time Systems
Parts/Components of RTOS
Graphical User Interface Works
Advantages of Graphical User Interfaces
Difference between GUI and CUI Operating System

3. Word Processing
Getting to know Word 2013
Word interface
Quick Access Toolbar
Create a new blank document
Save and Save As
Exporting document

4. Spreadsheet
Getting to know Excel 2013
Excel interface
Quick Access Toolbar
Create a new blank document
Save and Save As
Exporting documents

5. Internet
What is the Internet?
What is the Web?
How does the Internet work?
Using a web browser

6. WWW and Web browser
Types of Computer Network
Local Area Network (LAN)
Wide Area Network (WAN)
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
Basics of Internet Architecture
Layers of Internet Architecture
World Wide Web and Websites
Communication on Internet

7. Communications and collaboration
Email basics
Email advantages
Understanding email addresses
Webmail providers
Email applications
Getting started with email
Uses of Email


Assignment 1: Understanding Hardware and Software

Assignment 2: Operating System Basics

Assignment 3: Introduction to File Management

Assignment 4: Basic Software Applications

Assignment 5: Creating a Formal Business Letter

Assignment 6: Creating a User Manual

Assignment 7: Budgeting and Financial Analysis

Assignment 8: Inventory Management Spreadsheet

Assignment 9: Exploring the Basics of the Internet

Assignment 10: Internet in Everyday Life

Assignment 11: Keyboard Shortcuts

Assignment 12: Introduction to File Management

Assignment 13: Internet Browsing Basics

Assignment 14: Introduction to Presentation Software

Assignment 15: Introduction to Internet Research

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