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1. HTML - Overview

  • Introduction to HTML

  • Getting started with HTML

  • What’s in the head? Metadata in HTML

  • Element attributes

  • HTML elements

  • Features of HTML

  • Advantages of HTML

  • HTML Doctypes

2. Basic tags in HTML

  • HTML Heading

  • Paragraph Tag

3. Elements in HTML

  • HTML Tag vs. Element

4. Formatting in HTML

  • Formatting Text in HTML

  • Grouping in HTML

5. HTML Lists

  • Unordered Lists

  • Ordered Lists

  • Start Attribute

  • Nesting Lists

  • List Item Styling

6. Meta tags

  • HTML <meta> tag

  • Uses of Meta Tags in HTML


  • Valid vs Invalid Comments

  • Multiline Comments

  • Conditional Comments

  • Using Comment Tag

  • Commenting Script Code

  • Commenting Style Sheets

8. Images

  • HTML Image

  • Attributes of HTML img tag

  • Use of height and width attribute with img tag

  • Use of alt attribute

9. Tables

  • HTML Table Tags

  • HTML Table with Border

  • HTML Table with cell padding

  • HTML Table with colspan

  • HTML Table with rowspan

  • HTML table with caption

10. Image links

  • Mouse-Sensitive Images

  • Server-Side Image Maps

  • Coordinate System

11. Email links

  • HTML Email Tag

  • Default Settings

12.Text links      

  • Linking Documents

  • The target Attribute

  • Linking to a Page Section

  • Setting Link Colors

  • Download Links

13. Frames

  • Creating Frames

  • The <frameset> Tag Attributes

  • The <frame> Tag Attributes

  • Browser Support for Frames

  • Frame's name and target attributes

14. Blocks

  • Block-level Elements

  • Inline Elements

  • The


  • The Element

15. Backgrounds

  • Html Background with Colors

  • Html Background with Images

  • Patterned & Transparent Backgrounds

16. Colors

  • Color Names

  • Background Color

  • Border Color

  • Color Values

  • HTML Color Coding Methods

  • HTML Colors - Hex Codes

  • HTML Colors - RGB Values

17. Fonts     

  • Set Font Size

  • Relative Font Size

  • Setting Font Face

  • Specify alternate font faces

  • Setting Font Color

18. Forms      

  • HTML Form

  • HTML Form Syntax

  • HTML TextField Control

  • Label Tag in Form

  • HTML Password Field Control

  • Radio Button Control

  • Submit button control

19. Embed Multimedia     

  • HTML <embed> Tag

  • HTML <bgsound> Tag

  • HTML <object> Tag

20. HTML Header       

  • HTML Header Tag

  • HTML Style Sheet

  • External Style Sheet

  • Internal Style Sheet

  • Inline Style Sheet

21. Java-script      

  • What is JavaScript?

  • Language basics crash course

  • Variables

  • Operators

  • Conditionals

  • Functions

  • Adding an image changer

  • Adding a personalized welcome message

22. HTML Layouts

  • Description of various Layout elements

23. TAG Reference

  • HTML tags

24. Attribute Reference

  • Global event handlers

  • Content versus IDL attributes

  • Boolean Attributes

25. Events Reference

  • Events Type

  • Event index

26. URL Encoding

  • ASCII Control Characters Encoding

  • Non-ASCII control characters encoding

  • Reserved Characters Encoding

  • Unsafe Characters Encoding


Assignment 1: Creating a Basic Webpage

Assignment 2: Creating a Form

Assignment 3: Implementing Semantic HTML

Assignment 4: Embedding Multimedia

Assignment 5: Creating a Responsive Webpage

Assignment 6: Implementing Forms with Validation

Assignment 7: Implementing a Dropdown Menu

Assignment 8: Creating a Responsive Image Gallery

Assignment 9: Building a Tabbed Interface

Assignment 10: Integrating External Content with Iframes

Assignment 11: Creating a Newsletter Signup Form

Assignment 12: Implementing a Slideshow Gallery

Assignment 13: Building a Product Landing Page

Assignment 14: Implementing a Responsive Navigation Menu

Assignment 15: Creating an Online Resume

Assignment 16: HTML Forms and Tables

Assignment 17: HTML5 Multimedia Integration

Assignment 18: Canvas Drawing

Assignment 19:  Geolocation and Maps Integration

Assignment 20:  Audio and Video Embedding


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