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DTP (Desktop publishing) ECO

Rs. 270.00

1.Basics of Computer
Characteristics of Computer
Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Computer
Operating System
Utility Software


Digital Marketing ECO

Rs. 270.00

1.Introduction to Digital Marketing
What is Digital Marketing?
Types of marketing
Traditional & Digital Marketing

2.Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

Rs. 270.00

1.Introduction to CSS
What is CSS?
Where do we use CSS?
History of CS
Applications of CSS

2.CSS Background

CorelDraw ECO

Rs. 270.00

1.CorelDraw Overview
CorelDRAW Advantages
Tools of Corel Draw

2.Install CorelDraw
Installing CorelDraw

3.CorelDRAW Tools

C ++ Programming ECO BOOK

Rs. 270.00

1.Introduction C++ Programming Language
Why to Learn C++
Hello World using C++
Applications of C++ Programming
Object-Oriented Programming

2.Download & Installati...

C Programming ECO

Rs. 270.00

1.C Language - Overview
History of C Language
Where is C used? Key Applications

2.Environment Setup
Staring Your First C Project


Basic Computer ECO

Rs. 270.00

1. Introduction to Computer
What is Computer?
basic parts
Computer and Latest IT gadgets
Input Devices
Output Devices
Basics of Hardware and Softw...

Advance Excel ECO

Rs. 270.00

1.Introduction to Ms-Excel
What is Microsoft Excel?
Microsoft Excel Features
Create a new workbook
Quick Access Toolbar

2.Worksheets in Excel

The Art Of Bowling

Rs. 145.00

1.Introduction to Cricket Bowling



Importance of Bowling

Bowling styles

2.Bowling Mechanics

Cricket Bow...

The Art of Batting

Rs. 145.00

1.Introduction to Cricket Batting



The early years

Technical development

Importance of batting in cricket

Cricket - Form...

Web Designing Mini Book Size A5

Rs. 100.00

Including Logistics Charges 7.5%

1.Introduction to Web Designing

Who is a web developer?
Types of web developers
What are the skills re...

AI in Office 365 Mini Book Size A5

Rs. 100.00

Including Logistics Charges 7.5%

1.Introduction to AI in Office 365

Overview of AI and its significance in the digital age
Introduction to Microsoft Office 36...

R Programming Mini Book Size A5

Rs. 100.00

Including Logistics Charges 7.5%

1.Introduction to R Programming 

What is R Programming ?
History of R Programming
Features of R programming

Go Programming Mini Book Size A5

Rs. 100.00

Including Logistics Charges 7.5%

1.Go - Overview

Features of Go Programming
Features Excluded Intentionally
Go Language Introduction

SQL (Structured Query Language) Mini Book Size A5

Rs. 100.00

Including Logistics Charges 7.5%

1.Introduction to SQL

Introduction to SQL
Types of Databases
What is SQL?

2.SQL Syntax


Soft Skills Mini Book Size A5

Rs. 100.00

Including Logistics Charges 7.5%

1.Introduction To Soft Skills

Why Soft Skills?
The Learning Objectives
Integral Parts Of Soft Skills

Python Mini Book Size A5

Rs. 100.00

Including Logistics Charges 7.5%

1.Python - Overview

Pythonic Code Style
What is Python?
Python Basic Syntax
Where is Python used?...

Photoshop Mini Book Size A5

Rs. 100.00

Including Logistics Charges 7.5%

1.Overview Photoshop

What is Photoshop?
Photoshop Workspace

2.Install Photoshop


MS Office Mini Book Size A5

Rs. 100.00

Including Logistics Charges 7.5%

1.Introduction to MS Office

Microsoft Office Common Applications
Advantages of Using MS Offi...

JavaScript Mini Book Size A5

Rs. 100.00

Including Logistics Charges 7.5%

1.Introduction to JavaScript 

What is JavaScript
Features of JavaScript
Application of JavaScript
Advantages of Ja...